from datetime import datetime from dash import ( html, Dash ) from dash.dependencies import ( Input, Output, State ) from llm_utils.client import ChatGPT def format_chat_messages(chat_history): chat_messages = [] for message in chat_history: chat_messages.append(html.Div([ html.P(f'{message["sender"]}: {message["message"]}'), html.P(f'Sent at: {message["timestamp"]}') ])) return chat_messages def register_callbacks(app: Dash): chat_gpt = ChatGPT(model="gpt4") @app.callback( [Output('chat-container', 'children'), Output('chat-history', 'data')], [Input('send-button', 'n_clicks')], [State('user-input', 'value'), State('chat-history', 'data')] ) def update_chat(n_clicks, input_value, chat_history): if chat_history is None: chat_history = [] if n_clicks > 0 and input_value: chat_history.append({ 'sender': 'User', 'message': input_value, 'timestamp':"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") }) response = chat_gpt.chat_with_gpt(input_value) # Add response to chat history chat_history.append({ 'sender': 'Language Model', 'message': response, 'timestamp':"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") }) return format_chat_messages(chat_history), chat_history