### Software Release -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### Dynamixel SDK 3.0 : Released in 2016.03.08 Cross-compilable, all in one SDK for ROBOTIS Dynamixel : [Get this now](https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/DynamixelSDK/archive/master.zip) * Windows & Linux | 32 bit & 64 bit | Protocol 1.0 & Protocol 2.0 #### Dynamixel SDK 2.0 : Released in 2015.02.10 [Closed ¹ ] * Windows | 32bit | Protocol 1.0 * Windows | 64bit | Protocol 1.0 * Windows | 32bit | Protocol 2.0 * Windows | 64bit | Protocol 2.0 #### Dynamixel SDK 1.0 : Released in 2010.05.16 [Closed ¹ ] * Linux | Depedent | Protocol 1.0 * Linux | Depedent | Protocol 2.0 ¹ User support discontinued. If necessary, ask us for the source. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Any questions are welcomed. Just let me know at: [ISSUES](https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/DynamixelSDK/issues) ####See 'How to use' in [Dynamixel SDK Manual](https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/ROBOTIS-Documents/wiki/ROBOTIS-Dynamixel-SDK-Documents) ####Visit [ROBOTIS E-Manual](http://support.robotis.com/) and have details of ROBOTIS products