(ns document-storage.protocol-test
  (:require [document-storage.protocol :as sut]
            [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [clj-helper.string :refer [get-unique-id]]
            [clojure.data :refer [diff]]
            [document-storage.testdata :refer [generate-document]]))

(defn test-save-document [ds-atom]
  (testing "save basic structure and load it"
    (let [structure (generate-document)
          id "simple-test1"
          repo :testrepo]
      (.save-document @ds-atom id structure repo)
      (is (some #{id} (.list-documents @ds-atom :testrepo)))
      (is (= structure
             (.load-document @ds-atom id repo)))
      (.delete-document @ds-atom id repo)
      (is (not (.load-document @ds-atom id repo)) "Deleted documents should not be loadable with .load-document")
      (is (not (some #{id} (.list-documents @ds-atom repo))) "Deleted documents should not be listed with .list-documents"))))

(defn test-versioning [ds-atom]
  (testing "update document and check if changes are versioned"
    (let [structure-v1 (generate-document) #_{:a 7 :c [1 2 3 4 99 5 -4] :v 3}
          structure-v2 (-> structure-v1
                           (assoc :a 1 :v -3)
                           (assoc-in [:c 2] 1258))
          structure-v3 (-> structure-v2
                           (assoc :a -5 :v -6)
                           (assoc-in [:c 0] 121))
          id (get-unique-id "tdoc")
          repo :testrepo]
      (.save-document @ds-atom id structure-v1 repo)
      (.save-document @ds-atom id structure-v2 repo)
      (.save-document @ds-atom id structure-v3 repo)
      (let [versions (reverse (.list-versions @ds-atom id repo))]
        (is (= (count versions) 3) "Check if there are the 3 expected versions")
        (let [v1 (:version (nth versions 2))
              v2 (:version (nth versions 1))
              v3 (:version (nth versions 0))
              storage-doc-v1 (.load-version @ds-atom id v1 repo)
              storage-doc-v2 (.load-version @ds-atom id v2 repo)
              storage-doc-v3 (.load-version @ds-atom id v3 repo)]
          (is (= storage-doc-v1 structure-v1) "check if temporary and stored data is equal")
          (is (= storage-doc-v2 structure-v2))
          (is (= storage-doc-v3 structure-v3))
          (is (= (diff structure-v1 structure-v2)
                 (diff storage-doc-v1 storage-doc-v2)))
          (is (= (diff structure-v2 structure-v3)
                 (diff storage-doc-v2 storage-doc-v3))))))))

(defn test-find-documents [ds-atom]
  (testing "create document with specific value and see if find-documents will find it"
    (let [needle-attributes {:title (str (gensym "unique"))
                             :id (str (gensym "unique"))
                             :x 35000}
          needle (-> (generate-document)
                     (merge needle-attributes))
          haystack (repeatedly 200 #(-> (generate-document)
                                        (assoc :id (str (gensym "random-id")))))
          repo :testrepo]
      (doseq [d haystack]
        (.save-document @ds-atom (:id d) d repo))
      (.save-document @ds-atom (:id needle) needle repo)
      (is (= needle (.load-document @ds-atom (:id needle) repo)) "Check if testdocument was saved correctly")
      (let [find-results (.find-documents @ds-atom [[:title [= (:title needle-attributes)]]
                                                    [:x [= (:x needle-attributes)]]] repo)]
        (is (= 1 (count find-results)) "Search should return only one document")
        (is (= needle (first (vals find-results))) "Search should return testdocument")))))

;;;TODO deftest delete-document

;;;TODO shutdown

;;;TODO get-document-size