-- :name create-storage! -- :command :execute -- :result :raw -- :doc creates the document storage tables and datatypes CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS :i:schema-name; --;; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS :i:repositories-table ( id varchar(32) NOT NULL, caching bool NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, "versioning" bool NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, created_at timestamptz(0) NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CONSTRAINT repositories_pk PRIMARY KEY (id)); --;; DO $$DECLARE BEGIN CREATE TYPE :i:ds-type-fqn AS ENUM ( 'keydiffcopydelete', 'key', 'diff', 'clone', 'delete'); EXCEPTION when others then end $$; --;; DO $$DECLARE BEGIN CREATE TYPE :i:ds-encoding-fqn AS ENUM ( 'transit+json', 'edn', 'nippy'); EXCEPTION when others then end $$;