Leon Ryuwoon Jung authored
License changed into Apache License .2.0 (Who are using SDK in previous license can use it as it is)
Leon Ryuwoon Jung authoredLicense changed into Apache License .2.0 (Who are using SDK in previous license can use it as it is)
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ReleaseNote.txt 5.99 KiB
Dynamixel SDK 3.5.1 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 08.18.2017
* Mac OS supports DynamixelSDK #51
* DynamixelSDK lib for Arduino (Arduino / OpenCR / OpenCM9.04) uploaded (TODO : Arduino Uno compatible DynamixelSDK light version)
* DynamixelSDK example for Arduino uploaded. It can be referred in OpenCR Repository (https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/OpenCR/tree/master/arduino/opencr_arduino/opencr/libraries/OpenCR/examples/07.%20DynamixelSDK)
* DynamixelSDK LabVIEW can get communication result and Dynamixel error
* Standardizes folder structure of c, c++, ROS and Arduino c++ languages
* Fixes : Inconvenient way of getting meaning of packet result and error value #67
* Fixes : Misleading indentation warning in group_sync_read.c #91
* Fixes : Maximum length of port name is expanded to 100 #100
* Alternative : Include port_handler.h through relative path. #90
* Changes : Indent correction / Example tests & refresh / OS IFDEF
* Changes : Default Baudrate from 1000000(1M) bps to 57600 bps
* Changes : Macro for control table value changed to uints
* Changes : API references will be provided as doxygen (updates in c++ @ 3.5.1)
* Changes : License changed into Apache License .2.0 (Who are using SDK in previous license can use it as it is)
* Deprecated : printTxRxResult, printRxPacketError function will be unavailable in Dynamixel SDK 3.6.1
Dynamixel SDK 3.4.7 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 07.18.2017
* hotfix - Bug in Dynamixel group control is solved temporarily
Dynamixel SDK 3.4.6 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 07.07.2017
* hotfix - now DynamixelSDK for protocol1.0 supports read/write 4Byte (for XM series)
Dynamixel SDK 3.4.5 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 05.23.2017
* Merge branch 'kinetic-devel' of github.com:ROBOTIS-GIT/DynamixelSDK into kinetic-devel
Dynamixel SDK 3.4.4 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 04.26.2017
* hotfix - return delay time is changed from 4 into 8 due to the Ubuntu update 16.04.2
Dynamixel SDK 3.4.3 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 02.17.2017
* DynamixelSDK C++ ver. and ROS ver. in Windows platform now can use the port number of over then 10 #45
Dynamixel SDK 3.4.2 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 02.16.2017
* fprintf output in GroupBulkRead of C++ removed
* MATLAB library compiler error solving
* Makefile for build example sources in SBC added
* build files of windows c and c++ SDK rebuilt by using renewed SDK libraries
* example source of dxl_monitor - c and cpp ver modified #50
* Solved issue : #31, #34, #36, #50
Dynamixel SDK 3.4.1 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 08.22.2016
* Added ROS package folder for ROS users
* Modified c++'s original header files for ROS package
Dynamixel SDK 3.4.0 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 08.12.2016
* Added a ROS package information for ROS users
Dynamixel SDK 3.3.3 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 08.03.2016
* SDK C# Resource Files comments Korean -> English
* SDK C# properties comments Korean removed
* SDK C# example default device path modified
* SDK All License marks for example codes updated
* SDK Java example source - folder name changed
* SDK MATLAB example code modified as platform version auto-detection #1
* SDK C/C++ build file for linux used by SBC(Single Board Computer)s updated #15
* Solved issue : #3, #8, #1, #15
Dynamixel SDK 3.3.2 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 06.30.2016
* SDK Python strange printout problem solved
* Solved issue : #3, #8
Dynamixel SDK 3.3.1 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 06.30.2016
* SDK Python Errors in linux debugged
* Solved issue : #3, #8
Dynamixel SDK 3.3.0 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 06.28.2016
* SDK C# example as C version library binded source - released
* SDK Python example as C version library binded source - released
* SDK Java example as C version library binded source - released
* SDK MATLAB example as C version library binded source - released
* SDK LabVIEW example as C version library binded source - released
* SDK C - Bug fixed (#8)
* Solved issue : #3, #8
Dynamixel SDK 3.2.0 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 06.07.2016
* SDK C version - Code Refactoring
* SDK C version - Code style modified into ROS c++ code style
* Solved issue : #3
Dynamixel SDK 3.1.0 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 05.31.2016
* Code Refactoring
* Code style modified into ROS c++ code style
* License specified in the source code
* Solved issue : #3
Dynamixel SDK 3.0.0 (Protocol 1.0/2.0)
- 03.08.2016
* Linux C++ version source codes uploaded
- 04.26.2016
* Windows C++ version begun to be serviced
- 05.17.2016
* Windows C version source codes uploaded
- 05.18.2016
* Linux C version source codes uploaded
Update log:
Bugfix log:
05.18.2016 : Linux C Packet initialization bug fixed