# Testgenerator
This repository is about our developed prototype for generating automated regression tests. The implemented concepts are described in our paper "Automated Regression Tests: A No-Code Approach
for BPMN-based Process-Driven Applications".
If you would like to try out our prorotype, you can either configure your own working environment or use our VM provided below.
## Required tools
- Java
- Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL
- npm
## Installation
1. Make sure you have installed the [DSL-Plugin]( in your Eclipse-IDE first.
2. Import the Project named "Testgenerator" to your Eclipse-IDE by "Import" -> "Project".
3. Add Maven Nature to your "Testgenerator"-Project and choose "Maven" -> "Update Project" afterwards to install all required dependencies.
4. Import the Project named "OnlineSchuhDemo" to your Eclipse-IDE and run the Maven Build as well.
6. Run Testgenerator by "Start" -> "BPMNTestgenerationApplication" and make sure the server started without errors.
7. Switch to your console and select the checked out repository as directory.
8. Change directory to the web project.
cd testgenerator-web/testgenerator-web
10. Start your web server and open the Testgenerator in your default web browser.
11. Enjoy our prototype by creating a project and creating some automated regression testcases from UI.
## Virtual Machine
Sometimes you don't want to do setup the full developing environment. Therefore, we provided a [virtual machine]( Just download and start the VM and try out our no-code approach for creating automated regression tests for your BPMN-based Process Driven Application.